Alan Freebury, San Francisco

Alan Freebury teaches in both the Feldenkrais and tai chi traditions in San Francisco.


Practicing tai chi with Ben Lo (more Information) and Fong Ha (more information) since 1973, Alan enjoys the short, long, sword, and saber forms and the ’sensing-hands’ partner practice.

After graduating with Honors at UC Berkeley (Comparative Studies of Human Development) Alan began his practice in Rolfing™ (Structural Integration), continuing with Dr. Rolf to complete his Advanced Rolfer™  Certification in 1976. Brief studies with Dr. Feldenkrais and his assistants Ruthy Alon, Mia Segal and Gaby Yaron led to completing his certification as a Feldenkrais Practitioner with Elizabeth Beringer in 2003, Master Practitioner with Mia Segal and then assisting in Feldenkrais trainings in Switzerland, Germany, Italy and Greece.


His work is informed by his Buddhist practice  since 1977 and 17 years as a Paramedic Firefighter and teaching emergency medicine in San Francisco.

For more information: or please contact Alan directly:

Mia Segal & Alan enjoying