Fall 2022

Morschach, October 2nd - 6th

Welcome to our
Tai Chi & Feldenkrais Holidays

Morschach, October 2nd - 6th
to restore your inner stability and enrich a healthy imune system!


Surrounded by swiss mountains and above the wonderful Lake Lucerne we will practice on the ground Feldenkrais,
in sitting optional meditation, 
and in standing
tai chi, 
to awaken our senses to ourselves and our surrounding.


Daily practice time of +/- 4 hours allows free time to explore the area and enjoy the experiences made.

Start: Sunday October 2nd at 10.30 am

End: Thursday October 6th at 5 pm

Cost: 550.- CHF tuition (approx. 22 hours teachings in German & English, transaltion as needed)
+ 145.- CHF cost of  movement room.

Group size: 8-12
Registration: open till July 2nd 2022

10 explorations of 37 steps

5 days below Mt.Fronalpstock overlooking the lake.

Open to all who know the 37 step Yang Short Form

simplified by Cheng Man Ching

Or those seeking a fresh start each morning and


Grasping the Sparrows tail

White Crane spreads her wings

Parting Wild Horses Mane

Brush and twist, folding to play the lute

Carry tiger to mountain ... in the Year of the Tiger, 2022

Repulse Monkey

Cloud Hands

Single whip snake rises as Golden Pheasant

Lady weaving 10 Directions

Seven Stars, Heaven and Earth, double lotus sweep

horizon drawing the bow


Room & board with three lovely meals, depending on room choices:

Single room: 125 - 165 CHF

Double room p.p.: 125 - 135 CHF

Dormitoryp.p.: 90 CHF

Family suite: 120 CHF


Booking directly at Antoniushaus Mattli

Seminar- und Bildungszentrum

Mattlistrasse 10

6443 Morschach


Tel. 0041 - 41 820 22 26


Feldenkrais & Tai Chi - Holidays 2015 - 2020

Summer Holiday 2020 in Ticino:

cancled due to closed borders CH - US

Please visit our new website for more information!

Holiday Program 2014

Samos Island

June 9th - 16th 2014!

Teaching in German (ATM) & English (Tai Chi).

Translation available. 


June 16th - 23rd

International week with all teachings in English.
Help in German & French will be available if needed.


During these weeks we will focus on all our senses.

The discovery of respiratory diversity, awareness in listening and clear eyesight will help us to organize and refine also the quality of our standing and walking.

For your inspiration enjoy some pictures here! Check the flyer download or read down below about last years event.

If you like to book your spot click here.

Tai Chi & Feldenkrais on Samos Island
Samos June 2014 international.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.4 MB]

Wellness in the beauty of King Ludwig's castles


Tai Chi & Feldenrkais & saltwater spa


February 20 - 23 2014
a long weekend in Schwangau to enjoy movement on land and in water as well as the Bavarian culture and country side.                                 To sign in please click here!

Feldenkrais & Tai Chi in Schwangau
PDF-Dokument [1.4 MB]


Awareness & Movement

Fitness for Health  

Long week-end in Maggia Valley October 30 - November 3rd 2013.


Feldenkrais and Taiji for more pleasurable mountain hiking! 

Safe steps, balance and length are the themes of this course at 

Casa Civetta in Avegno


With Alan Freebury & Anne Münstermann



Taiji / Qigong to start end end the day

Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement between breakfast and lunch.

Afternoons are free for hiking or discovering the area.

Additional private Feldenkrais lessons (Functional Integration) possible.

Arrival: Wednesday evening for dinner

Departure: Sunday after lunch



Course: 250.- CHF / 200.- Euro

Housing and 3 meals per day at Casa Civetta www.casacivetta.ch:

100.- CHF  double room (per person) 120.- single room.


Feldenkrais & Tai Chi everyday!




Samos Island - Greece

Fitness for health - Holiday Workshops
Walking - Discovering New Steps

 June 10 - 17 2013

General terms & conditions  &  registration form

Information about Villa Eva Samos Center Hellas:



Refining Walking - Discovering New Steps


How to discover new steps? Certainly paying attention to how we balance in each step is helpful as in practicing tai chi. We feel strongly that exploring the components of walking in many varied patterns and off our feet through Feldenkrais can quickly open new possibilities. So we invite you to experience how theses two approaches nourish each other to clarify awareness and seek dynamic balance- equilibrium within motion.


It is fortunate that many of our actions succeed without our directed attention. However what prevents us from doing what we want? We must know our intention, where we are starting from, in what direction we wish to go and what we are doing. Only occasionally we have glimpses of how our own habits and attitudes get in our way. In Feldenkrais as well as in tai chi we observe ourselves in unfamiliar movements. We act slowly and seek minimal effort to improve the integrity of any action, to include more in our attention.  What was glimpsed occasionally is understood and becomes refined. We begin by sensing how the quality of our movement changes. The process of attending to the whole in small actions cultivates the intelligence of integrated action. Our interest is in responding with the whole of ourselves so when one part moves everything moves in harmony.

Both traditions begin from where we are rather than from doing or being what someone considers better. In tai chi the practice of sensing slow, relaxed, flowing movement and the rhythm of our breathing cultivates ease and confidence.  Cultivating awareness of how we breathe and the relation between breathing and the rhythm of movement will ease our walking. The Feldenkrais Method offers conditions where we can learn how we obstruct or confuse our natural ability to move and balance and so free our walking.


* Tai Chi to begin and end the day
   (Yang style form, shortened by Cheng Man Ching) - Alan -

* 2 Awareness Through Movement®  group lessons each morning

   - Anne-

* 1 private Functional Integration® lesson during the week

   - Anne or Alan -

* Free time during the afternoon

* 1 day off to enjoy an optional guided hiking tour (extra)   


Suited for whom? Everybody is welcome! Experience or previous knowledge is not required.



English & German,  translation if needed.

Samos June 2013.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]











Holiday program  2012

Holiday in the magic of Maggia Valley!

Casa Civetta in Avegno, Ticino, Switzerland


May 20th-26th 2012


  • Tai Chi to begin and end the day (Alan)
  • 2 Awareness Through Movement lessons in the morning (Anne)
  • 1 Functional Integration lesson during the week (Alan / Anne)
  • Free afternoon for gorgeous hikes in the valley e.g.
  • 1 evening talk and movie to deepen the methods


 Feldenkrais & tai chi in the warmth and beauty of Italy!

Villa La Rogaia
June 23rd-30th
* Tai Chi outside to begin and end the day (short form of Cheng Man Ching)

* 2 ATM®  group lessons each morning

* Free time during the afternoon

* 1 private FI® lesson during the week

* 1 day off for exploring Umbria such as Assisi                 Registration


Holiday course in Italy.pdf
PDF-Dokument [460.3 KB]

Avegno, Ticino

Villa La Rogaia, Umbrien